Sunday, October 28, 2012

Romney Cares About Women, Too - He's Just Not So Hell-Bent on Getting in Their Pants

There is not much dignity coming out of the Obama campaign lately.  There are two conflicting emotions for me when I watch Obama's recent "sex ad".  The first thing I feel is complete embarrassment at this ploy by the President to win over women.  The women I know have a lot more spine than the Obama campaign gives them credit for.  They keep their sex lives and birth control choices to themselves and do not especially care what the government or society thinks of their choices.  Same goes for the gay people I know.  I don't know any women who consider free birth control to be the most pressing issue facing our country right now.  With a $16T debt and $1T deficits, it's not something I support.  It's just another handout to buy some votes.  I laughed when I saw Vladimir Putin ads with the same references to sex and virgins - now I'm disgusted that we've sunk to the same level.
The second emotion I feel upon seeing this ad is a mix of hope and relief.  It's a sign of a floundering campaign for reelection - desperation by a losing candidate to scrape together a few more votes.  I see this ad and am pretty sure that I'm not the only one throwing up in my mouth a little bit.  I'm tired of a President promoting such a dependent society.

While we're on this topic, it's true that Republicans tend to be pro-life.  That doesn't mean that it's part of their legislative agenda, though.  It just means that they personally don't support abortion and don't want to be complicit in it through public financing of it.  Democrats suggesting that a Romney win will somehow result in a ban on a woman's right to make her own personal choice are resorting to scare tactics to get their candidate over the line.  People supporting Romney are fighting for Cut, Cap, and Balance to end the last 12 years of accelerating accumulation of the national debt.  That was the impetus of the Tea Party.  They are simultaneously disgusted with the blatant lies from Obama, particularly surrounding the Benghazi cover-up.  Abortion is not the issue that is compelling people to vote against Obama and is not something that is likely to change under Republican control.

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