Monday, October 8, 2012

Quick Recap on the Jobs Report Numbers

If you're Barack Obama and the economy is stagnant heading into the election, how do you get the unemployment rate to come down to less then 8%?!

Step 1: Sign an executive order eliminating the work requirement for welfare recipients.  Many welfare recipients will then stop the charade of applying for jobs and other job search activities.  After about 4 weeks, they then come off the unemployment roles and "leave the workforce".  This was extremely evident in the August Jobs Report where only 96,000 jobs were created, but the unemployment rate went from 8.2% to 8.1% because 368,000 people left the workforce.

My post on Step 1 has supporting links


Step 2: Sign an executive order granting work permission to about one million DREAMers, or illegal aliens who were brought into this country when they were young.  This executive order in mid June had a 60-day fuse.  Sudden legal status of the DREAMers could go a long way to explaining the influx of over 500,000 "new" part-time workers, which reduced the unemployment rate from 8.1% to 7.8%.  Note that the unemployment rate was predicted by economists to go up to 8.2% based on an expectation of 113,000 new jobs created - the actual number was right on at 114,000.

My post on Step 2 has supporting links


  1. Be careful... people might accuse you of ghost-tweeting for Jack Welch.

    1. Jack Welch is still at it - he knows there's a rat:

      He chalks it up to biased data gathering, though. I just don't see any news about the impact of the DREAMer executive order. Plenty of people were talking about the welfare work requirement elimination last month, but nothing I've found, really, on the DREAMer exec order this month. Even if it's just something saying there's nothing there, I'd like to see someone bring it up.

    2. Jack Welch seems to be doing the right things so far and is doing his best to keep from getting the Donald Trump fruitcake label. But it's sad that it's Welch that is calling out and investigating these shenanigans. Where is Romney? If there were ever a time we needed a third party debating, it is now. Somebody to point these things out and take the "fruitcake" label.
