Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vote Early and Often

Looks like there is some pent up voters' enthusiasm this year.  See how people have been voting with their wallets ahead of the Nov 6th election.

Chick-Fil-A enjoys record breaking crowds after being told by the typical Dems and mayors in Boston and Chicago not to do business in their cities.  What could make them turn a restaurant chain away in a bad economy?  The CEO is supportive of traditional marriage.  No claims of discrimination against anyone at their restaurants were made.  An LGBT kiss-in on the heels of the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was comparatively sparse. 

Dinesh D'Souza's documentary on Obama's roots was temporarily #1 in the box office this weekend.  Not bad for a conservative documentary.  In a similar vein as Fahrenheit 9/11, Obama's America 2016 is critical of the President by explaining his wealth redistribution aspirations and foreign policy based on his upbringing and mentors.

Amazon released an interactive map showing which states are reading right-leaning vs. left-leaning political books in 2012.  Click on the link to see the titles they tracked.

Elsewhere, businesses leaning right are receiving grateful boosts in business.  Marylou's (in Massachusetts) came under attack for discriminatory policies for their attractive and mostly white servers - not that there had been any complaints.  In terms of diversity, their staff pretty well reflected the demographics of the store locations.  In terms of hiring attractive waitresses, Hooters has weathered similar attacks in the past.  Some suspected that maybe it was a nod by the government to Dunkin Donuts, who is a competitor to Marylou's and a major Dem contributor.  Who knows.

Apparently, the caterer with the "I Built This" shirt at an Obama function fared well afterwards.

Also, a baker in Massachusetts that refused to take EBT cards, i.e. welfare, for her pies has been practically sold out ever since.  She views her pies as a non-essential luxury item that shouldn't be paid for with taxpayer-funded benefits.  Organizers of the farmers market where the controversy occurred were shocked that poor people might be somehow stigmatized.

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